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20-10-2021 | read

NTPC along-with ISA, signed Grant Agreement with Comoros and Ethiopia on 18.10.2021 for implementation of solarization projects as a PMC consultant of International Solar Alliance (ISA) during one of the sessions on the side-lines of 4th General Assembly of ISA. Shri N M Gupta, Head (International Business) signed these agreements on behalf of NTPC. NTPC has been supporting 19 member countries of ISA under this solarization program for last one year under a partnership Agreement with ISA. The event was attended by Sh. Ajay Mathur, DG(ISA), Sh. Ujjwal Kanti Bhattacharya, Director (Projects) NTPC, Shri Arun Misra, Sr. Advisor, ISA, Ministers from Ethiopia, Comoros and Guyana, Ambassador from Malawi, Honorary Consul of Tonga & Comoros, and other dignitaries from ISA, NTPC and National Focal Points (NFP) from member countries of ISA